The Benefits of Recruiting Locally in the Restaurant Industry

The Benefits of Recruiting Locally in the Restaurant Industry

The Benefits of Recruiting Locally in the Restaurant Industry

The UK restaurant industry is a major employer, providing jobs for millions of people across the country. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards more diverse and wide reaching recruitment strategies, and part of that is utilising a local community in its drive to recruit new employees. In this article, we will explore the benefits to the UK restaurant industry, including how local recruitment, recruitment fairs, and other options could help businesses to recruit locally.

When Does Local Recruitment Work?

Local recruitment is a good option for restaurants looking to expand into a new area or startups looking to find additional staff. Regardless of whether the role is managerial or a culinary, those who already know the area well bring a wealth of insight into factors that can affect custom, and can engage more authentically with clientele. It helps to build a sense of loyalty in staff which can improve retention rates and reduce turnover, but it also serves to build stronger relationships between the restaurant and the local community.

How to Hire Locally

Just some steps you could take to hire locally could include:

1. Targeted Ads

Using targeted ads on websites and social media platforms helps restaurant businesses attract a specific pool of candidates within a particular geographic area. With the ability to narrow down audience demographics based on factors such as location, age, interests, and job experience, targeted ads can find qualified candidates who are more likely to be interested in and qualified for the job. Additionally, restaurants can tailor the messaging and visuals of the ad to resonate with the target audience. However, businesses might also consider advertising in local press such as newspapers and on radio to reach those older or offline audiences.

2. Recruitment Fairs

Recruitment fairs are another great way to recruit staff locally in the UK restaurant industry. These fairs provide a platform for restaurants and their managerial team to showcase their business and attract potential employees. They also provide an opportunity for job seekers to speak to existing staff and learn more about the industry and the types of jobs that are available. Recruitment fairs can be particularly effective for restaurants that are looking to recruit staff for entry-level positions, such as waiters and kitchen assistants.

3. Use Job Boards

Using job boards for recruiting locally is a popular and effective method for businesses seeking to reach a broad audience of job seekers within a particular geographic area. Many job boards offer the ability to filter their positions to a specific region, town or geographic radius. It’s then easy to sort through applications to identify candidates that meet the person spec. Job boards allow businesses to post job openings and receive applications from a diverse pool of candidates, including those who may not have heard of the company before or if planning to advertise for a role before a restaurant is open.


By tapping into the local talent pool, restaurants can enjoy a more engaged workforce with ties to their surrounding communities. This provides a number of benefits to employers as staff will live nearby, reducing complications of getting to work, but also meaning they bring knowledge of the local community to their role. This can really make a positive impact on the overall reputation of a restaurant in the local area, which is great for business. What’s more, there are plenty of opportunities to recruit locally, whether restaurants decide to advertise locally or find talent at recruitment fairs.

When all else has been tried and you are still in need of the right members for your team, then we may be able to help. Feel free to get in touch or register your vacancy here.